This Tree that you are about to witness isn’t the kind that will hold the soil and prevent erosion. This kind of tree will just found amazement toward those who love contemporary design. It’s not woody but you can certainly see one replica of the longest living organism inside your house. This is the tree bookshelves concept named Fargus designed by AL 28.98. This creative bookshelves will definitely hold your book from collapsing but it won’t hold your flooring. This cool idea was inspired by nature and surely for those who loves contemporary while still keep reminiscing the essence of trees then this Fargus is ideal for you to have at your house. But i wonder how can you get your book placed at the top shelves? Have fun stacking up your book in this Fargus but remember don’t climb this tree as it might crumble down to pieces.
Tree Bookshelves Concept Named Fargus by AL 28.98 (7)
Tree Bookshelves Concept Named Fargus by AL 28.98 (8)
Tree Bookshelves Concept Named Fargus by AL 28.98
Modern Bookshelves Inspired by the Nature
Modern Tree Bookshelves Concept
Modern Bookshelves Concept
fargus bookshelves concept
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